Spanish Journalist Xavier Colás Forced to Leave Russia as Visa Renewal Denied

A Spanish journalist departed Russia as his visa renewal was declined by authorities, reports El Mundo.

Oliver Mercer
By Oliver Mercer - Chief Editor
6 Min Read

Key Takeaways:

  • Spanish journalist Xavier Colás forced to leave Russia due to visa refusal, revealing pressure on foreign media.
  • Colás, a veteran correspondent, faced expulsion for honest reporting on contentious issues within Russia and Ukraine.
  • Visa denials to foreign journalists in Russia raise concerns about press freedom and necessitate global advocacy for journalists’ rights.

The Ongoing Visa Refusal Saga: Spanish Journalist Forced to Leave Russia

In a move that shines a spotlight on the increasing pressure faced by foreign media in Russia, Xavier Colás, a seasoned correspondent for the Spanish daily El Mundo, was compelled to leave the country following the refusal of Russian authorities to renew his journalist visa. This incident marks yet another chapter in the unfolding narrative of visa refusals and expulsions targeting journalists in Russia, amidst a backdrop of heightened scrutiny on critical news outlets, opposition activists, and human rights groups.

Spanish Journalist Xavier Colás Forced to Leave Russia as Visa Renewal Denied
Spanish Journalist Xavier Colás Forced to Leave Russia as Visa Renewal Denied

Why Was the Spanish Journalist’s Visa Not Renewed?

Xavier Colás had been a fixture in the Russian journalistic landscape for 12 years, dedicating his career to uncovering the realities within the country and notably, within Ukraine. His commitment to reporting on sensitive issues, such as demonstrations by women connected to the Russian military—a rare show of public dissent against the war in Ukraine—caught the attention of local authorities. Despite his significant contributions, including the publication of his first book “Putinistán,” which delves into the intricacies of President Vladimir Putin’s government, Colás found himself facing the harsh reality of being unable to continue his work from within Russia’s borders.

On a platform formerly known as Twitter, Colás expressed his stance, stating,

“I have simply done my job: I have told what happens, I have spoken to the people who suffer because of it and I have explained who is responsible for what is happening.”

These words underscore the profound sense of duty that drives journalists like him to shed light on truth, despite facing considerable risks.

A Pattern of Pressures on Foreign Journalists in Russia

Unfortunately, the refusal to renew Colás’s visa is not an isolated case. Over the last few years, there has been a noticeable uptick in actions against foreign journalists in Russia:

  • In August 2021, BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford faced visa renewal refusal amid UK-Russia tensions.
  • Tom Vennink of the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant was expelled for “administrative violations”.
  • Deutsche Welle and CBC saw their Russian operations shuttered in February and May 2022, respectively.
  • Most alarming perhaps was the March 2023 arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on espionage charges—a claim both he and his employer strenuously deny.

The Impact of Visa Refusals on Press Freedom

The pattern of visa refusals and, by extension, the curtailment of journalistic freedom in Russia, poses serious questions about the state of press liberty. This ongoing scrutiny and expulsion of foreign journalists not only hamper the flow of information but also stifle dissenting voices and critical perspectives essential for a healthy democracy.

What Can Be Done?

It’s crucial for the international community and press freedom organizations to keep advocating for the rights of journalists globally. Readers worldwide can support these efforts by staying informed about such incidents and voicing their concerns. For those seeking more information on the legal aspects of visa regulations and press freedom, the U.S. Department of State’s Visa Information offers a comprehensive resource for understanding international journalist visas and the intricacies involved.

As the situation in Russia evolves, the international spotlight on these actions serves as a reminder of the vital role of the press in exposing truth and holding power to account. The story of Xavier Colás and others like him underscores the ongoing challenges faced by journalists worldwide and the imperative to defend press freedom at all turns.

This Article In A Nutshell:

Spanish journalist Xavier Colás forced to leave Russia after visa refusal, shedding light on pressures faced by foreign media. Colás, renowned for his Ukraine reporting, fell victim to growing restrictions on critical journalism in Russia. His case mirrors a disquieting trend of expulsions and visa denials targeting journalists. Brush up on global journalist rights at U.S. Department of State.

Read more:

Spanish Journalist Xavier Colás Forced to Leave Russia as Visa Renewal Denied
Spanish Journalist Xavier Colás Forced to Leave Russia as Visa Renewal Denied
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Oliver Mercer
Chief Editor
As the Chief Editor at, Oliver Mercer is instrumental in steering the website's focus on immigration, visa, and travel news. His role encompasses curating and editing content, guiding a team of writers, and ensuring factual accuracy and relevance in every article. Under Oliver's leadership, has become a go-to source for clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date information, helping readers navigate the complexities of global immigration and travel with confidence and ease.
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