Appealing a Prevailing Wage Determination: Process for Employers

When it comes to prevailing wage determinations, employers can appeal the wage decision. Understanding the employer appeal process is crucial in ensuring a fair outcome.

Robert Pyne
By Robert Pyne - Editor In Cheif
9 Min Read

Key Takeaways:

  1. Employers hiring foreign workers must comply with prevailing wage requirements set by the government to protect U.S. workers’ wages and conditions.
  2. Employers can challenge inaccurate prevailing wage determinations through an appeal process, ensuring fair wages and operational feasibility.
  3. The prevailing wage determination appeal process involves requesting a review, submitting supporting evidence, and potentially engaging in further appeals.

Understanding Prevailing Wage Determination

When hiring foreign workers, employers must comply with specific wage requirements set by the government. The prevailing wage is the average wage paid to similarly employed workers in a specific occupation in the area of intended employment. The Department of Labor (DOL) issues a prevailing wage determination (PWD) to ensure that the employment of foreign workers does not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers.

Can Employers Challenge a Wage Determination?

Yes, employers have the right to challenge a PWD if they believe it has been set inaccurately or does not reflect the true market wages. The employer appeal process is available to employers who have received a PWD they wish to contest. This is a critical aspect because an incorrect PWD can significantly impact the feasibility of employing foreign labor and the company’s operations.

Steps for the Wage Decision Appeal Process

To appeal a prevailing wage determination, employers must follow a specific procedure outlined by the DOL. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Request for Review: Upon receiving a PWD from the National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC), the employer has 30 days to request a review of the wage decision. This request must be sent in writing directly to the NPWC. It’s important to act promptly since delays beyond 30 days typically result in the loss of the right to appeal.


  1. Submit Supporting Evidence: Along with the request, employers should provide detailed information and supporting evidence to justify their claim that the determined wage is not accurate. This might include industry salary surveys, wage data for similar positions in the same geographic region, or other relevant materials.

  2. Await Response: After submission, the employer must wait for the DOL’s response. The NPWC will reevaluate the wage determination and issue a decision. If the employer’s evidence is convincing, the prevailing wage may be adjusted accordingly.

  3. Further Recourse: If the NPWC upholds the original determination, and the employer still disagrees, they can take their appeal to the Center Director. Further appeals can be directed to the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA). Each successive appeal must be based on the same evidence presented in the original review request.

Key Considerations to Keep In Mind

Navigating the appeal process can be complex, and employers are advised to consult with legal counsel specializing in immigration and employment law to maximize their chances of a successful wage decision appeal. Employers should:

  • Carefully document their justifications for the appeal.
  • Precisely follow the procedural guidelines set by the DOL to avoid unnecessary delays or denials.
  • Stay informed about the latest wage data and industry standards to ensure their appeal is grounded in the most current information.

When seeking counsel, choose a lawyer with experience in immigration and employment matters, as they will have the expertise necessary to guide you through this legal terrain.

Wrap Up

Employers must adhere to prevailing wage requirements when hiring foreign workers to protect the domestic workforce’s standards. Should an employer find the prevailing wage determination issued by the DOL unsatisfactory or incorrect, they are entitled to initiate an appeal. By understanding and effectively navigating the employer appeal process, businesses can ensure that they are providing fair wages while also maintaining compliance with immigration laws.

For more information and resources on prevailing wage determinations and the appeal process, employers can refer to the Department of Labor’s Official Website and other authoritative immigration sources. Remember, it’s essential to act swiftly and seek qualified advice to ensure a fair and accurate wage decision for your foreign workers.

So there you have it, folks! Prevailing wage determination can be a tricky beast, but fear not! With the right knowledge and a touch of determination, you can navigate the appeals process like a pro. And if you want to dive even deeper into this fascinating topic, head on over to for more helpful and entertaining information. Happy exploring!

FAQ’s to know:

FAQ 1: What is a prevailing wage determination and why is it important for hiring foreign workers?

Answer: A prevailing wage determination (PWD) is the average wage paid to similarly employed workers in a specific occupation in the intended employment area. It is set by the Department of Labor (DOL) to ensure that foreign workers do not negatively impact the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers in the same industry. It is important for employers hiring foreign workers to comply with the PWD to maintain fair labor practices and adhere to immigration laws.

FAQ 2: Can employers challenge a prevailing wage determination (PWD)?

Answer: Yes, employers have the right to challenge a PWD if they believe it is inaccurate or does not reflect the true market wages. The employer appeal process allows employers to contest the wage determination. It is crucial because an incorrect PWD can have significant implications on the feasibility of employing foreign labor and the operations of the company.

FAQ 3: What are the steps involved in the wage decision appeal process?

Answer: Here are the steps involved in the wage decision appeal process:

  1. Request for Review: Employers have 30 days to request a review of the PWD by the National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC) by submitting a written request.
  2. Submit Supporting Evidence: Employers should provide detailed information and supporting evidence to justify their claim that the determined wage is inaccurate. This can include industry salary surveys, wage data for similar positions, and other relevant materials.
  3. Await Response: The NPWC will reevaluate the wage determination and issue a decision. If the employer’s evidence is convincing, the prevailing wage may be adjusted accordingly.
  4. Further Recourse: If the NPWC upholds the original determination and the employer still disagrees, they can escalate the appeal to the Center Director and subsequently to the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA). Each appeal must be based on the same evidence presented in the original review request.

Employers are advised to consult with legal counsel specializing in immigration and employment law to effectively navigate the appeal process and improve their chances of success.

What did you learn? Answer below to know:

  1. Multiple Choice: What is the prevailing wage in the context of hiring foreign workers?
    a) The minimum wage required by the government
    b) The average wage paid to similarly employed workers in a specific occupation
    c) The wage determined by the employer
    d) The wage set by the foreign workers themselves

  2. True or False: Employers have the right to challenge a prevailing wage determination if they believe it is inaccurate or does not reflect market wages.

  3. Short Answer: What are the key steps involved in the employer appeal process for prevailing wage determinations?

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Robert Pyne
Editor In Cheif
Robert Pyne, a Professional Writer at, brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique storytelling ability to the team. Specializing in long-form articles and in-depth analyses, Robert's writing offers comprehensive insights into various aspects of immigration and global travel. His work not only informs but also engages readers, providing them with a deeper understanding of the topics that matter most in the world of travel and immigration.
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