PERM Process for University and Non-Profit Employees: Understanding the Differences

The PERM process for university employees and non-profit organizations is unique, requiring additional steps and considerations compared to other industries. Understanding the specific requirements and guidelines for these individuals and…

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Lasted PERM

Navigating the PERM Process: Strategies for Counteroffers and Job Offers

When an employee receives a counteroffer or another job offer during the PERM process, it can complicate things for the…

Dealing with Employee Qualifications Fraud During the PERM Process

When an employer discovers that an employee has misrepresented their qualifications or degree during the PERM process, they need to…

Correcting Salary Range for a PERM-Advertised Position: Employer Corrective Actions

If an employer discovers that they have advertised an incorrect salary range for a PERM-advertised position, there are certain corrective…

Steps for Hiring Overqualified U.S. Workers for a PERM-Advertised Position

If an employer receives applications from overqualified U.S. workers for a PERM-advertised position, there are a few steps to follow.…

Navigating Key Employee Resignation in the PERM Process: Handling Immigration Paperwork?

If a key employee responsible for the PERM process resigns or becomes unavailable, companies must take immediate action to handle…

How to handle a job title mismatch in a PERM application due to employee promotion?

If an employee has been promoted and the job title no longer matches the one stated in the PERM application,…

Pregnancy’s Impact on Green Card Timeline: Understanding the PERM Application Process

When an employee on a PERM application becomes pregnant, it may impact the timeline and process for their green card…

Managing PERM Applications During Company Ownership Change and Management Transition

When a company experiences a significant change in management or ownership, it may affect their PERM application process. Employers must…