If you are on STEM OPT and your work project is canceled or significantly delayed, it is important to take necessary actions to maintain OPT compliance. You should inform your…
Managing a situation where your university's accreditation status changes while you are on OPT can be challenging. Stay updated on…
If your research project extends beyond the duration of your visa during your STEM OPT period, it is important to…
If you are encountering delays in obtaining your academic transcripts or degree certificate while on OPT, it is important to…
When on OPT and wanting to submit a thesis remotely, it can be challenging to balance work and study. However,…
If you're on STEM OPT and your academic advisor suggests changes to your research that impact your job, take proactive…
Struggling to balance academic workload on OPT? Learn effective strategies to address job performance challenges while managing your studies. Find…
If you are on OPT and struggling to balance academic theory with practical work experience, it is important to effectively…
If you are on STEM OPT and your university introduces a new course or specialization that aligns with your job,…
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