If you're on STEM OPT and want to participate in academic tutoring or mentoring while working, make sure you stay compliant with OPT regulations. Obtain proper authorization, maintain a full-time…
Yes, international students who hold an F1 Visa can engage in freelance work online, as long as they adhere to…
Changing your course load can have an impact on your F1 Visa status and maintaining visa eligibility. It is important…
If you are academically dismissed while on an F1 Visa, your visa status may be affected. Understanding what happens to…
Are you wondering if you can pursue vocational training in the USA on an F1 Visa? Look no further! Find…
Yes, you can attend professional development courses on an F1 Visa. However, it is essential to understand and comply with…
Understanding how dual-degree programs work with an F1 Visa is crucial for international students. It is important to follow the…
Changing universities can have implications for F1 Visa sponsorship. It is crucial for students to understand the student visa regulations…
The process for requesting a leave of absence on an F1 Visa follows specific immigration policies and student visa regulations.…
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