Shashank Singh

Shashank Singh

As a Breaking News Reporter at, Shashank Singh is dedicated to delivering timely and accurate news on the latest developments in immigration and travel. His quick response to emerging stories and ability to present complex information in an understandable format makes him a valuable asset. Shashank's reporting keeps VisaVerge's readers at the forefront of the most current and impactful news in the field.
Breaking News Reporter
1434 Articles

I-485 Application: Legal Obligations for Court Witness Duty in the Immigration Process

If you have filed your I-485 application and are called to serve as a court witness, it is…

I-485 Filing with Tax Filing Issues: What to Do about Immigration Application Concerns?

If you encounter a problem with your tax filings after submitting your I-485 immigration application, it is important…

Adjustment of Status After Sponsor’s Terminal Illness: Steps to Take When Filing I-485

If your sponsoring relative is diagnosed with a terminal illness after filing an I-485, you may need to…

The Impact of Starting a Business on Visa with a Pending I-485 Application

Starting a business on a visa while your I-485 is pending may affect your immigration application. It is…

Managing I-485 During Long-Term Car Accident Rehabilitation: Your Immigration Status During Recovery

If you are involved in a serious car accident and require long-term rehabilitation, managing your I-485 application can…

Can I work abroad after filing I-485 if I have a fellowship stipend?

If you are offered a fellowship with a stipend in another country after filing your I-485, there are…

Managing I-485 Application as a Victim of Immigration Identity Fraud

If you are an identity theft victim dealing with an I-485 application for immigration, follow these steps to…

What to do if I-485 pending and home damaged by natural disaster: Immigration assistance for disaster victims

If you have a pending I-485 and your home is severely damaged by a natural disaster, it is…

Impact of Company Restructuring on I-485 and Work Visa: Explained

If you are on a work visa and your company undergoes a significant restructuring, it can have an…

I-485 Pending: Implications of a Contentious Divorce on Immigration Status

If your I-485 is pending and you find yourself in a contentious divorce, there are important implications to…

Managing Jury Duty During I-485 Application Process: Tips for Managing Immigration Processes Effortlessly

If you are summoned for jury duty while managing your I-485 application, you may need to request a…

Handling I-485 During Temporary Relocation for Job Assignment: Immigration Impact

If you need to temporarily relocate out of state for a job assignment while applying for your I-485,…

I-485 Application: Addressing USCIS Wage Discrepancies and Underreported Wages

If you discover that your employer underreported your wages to USCIS after filing your I-485 application, it is…

Options for I-485 Applicants If U.S. Citizen Spouse Works Abroad

If you file your I-485 and your U.S. citizen spouse is offered a job abroad, you have a…

I-485 and Controversial Political Involvement: Consequences for Your Immigration Journey

If an individual with an I-485 application gets involved in political activities that may be controversial, there could…