Robert Pyne

Robert Pyne

Robert Pyne, a Professional Writer at, brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique storytelling ability to the team. Specializing in long-form articles and in-depth analyses, Robert's writing offers comprehensive insights into various aspects of immigration and global travel. His work not only informs but also engages readers, providing them with a deeper understanding of the topics that matter most in the world of travel and immigration.
Editor In Cheif
1329 Articles

B2 to E2 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Learn how to transfer from a B2 visa to an E2 visa, and discover the advantages and disadvantages…

B2 to H1B1 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Learn how to transfer from a B2 Visa to an H1B1 Visa, including the process and advantages. Discover…

B2 to H1B Visa Transfer Process: Explained with Advantages and Disadvantages

Learn the B2 to H1B visa transfer process, including advantages and disadvantages. Understand how to transfer and optimize…

B2 to J1 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Want to transfer from B2 to J1 Visa? Learn the process, advantages, and disadvantages of transferring. Follow the…

B1 to K1 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Learn how to transfer from a B1 visa to a K1 visa and understand the advantages and disadvantages…

B1 to A3 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Learn how to transfer from B1 to A3 visa and explore the advantages and disadvantages of making this…

B1 to G5 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages Explained

Learn how to transfer from B1 to G5 visa, including the process and the advantages/disadvantages. Explore the visa…

B1 to G1 Visa Transfer: Advantages of Changing Visa Status Explained

Learn how to transfer from a B1 visa to a G1 visa. Discover the process, advantages, and disadvantages…

Transferring from B1 Visa to E2 Visa: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Learn how to transfer from a B1 visa to an E2 visa. Understand the process, advantages, and disadvantages…

B1 to H3 Visa Transfer Process: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Steps

Learn how to transfer from a B1 visa to an H3 visa. This article outlines the transfer process…

B1 to H4 Visa Transfer: Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Looking to transfer from a B1 visa to an H4 visa? Learn about the transfer process and the…

Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs): Latest Updates on Canada Immigration PNPs

British Columbia, Ontario, and Manitoba issued provincial nominations this week through their respective PNPs, allowing immigrants to settle…

The Impact of Two-Step Immigration with Canadian Work Experience on Earnings

Two-step immigrants in Canada earn more than one-step immigrants, according to a report by Statistics Canada. The study…

Secretary Mayorkas Extends Syria TPS and Invites Applications for Temporary Protected Status

Secretary Mayorkas announced an 18-month extension and redesignation of Syria for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) until September 30,…

Lush Cybersecurity Incident: Akira Ransomware Attack Exposes Stolen Passport Scans

The Akira ransomware gang claims responsibility for the Lush cybersecurity incident, stealing personal documents including passport scans.